
Invited Speakers
Each year we hold a fantastic line-up of invited speakers who talk on a variety of current hot topics within our field.
Our speakers for the 2023 Symposium are confirmed below. We are delighted to welcome back two graduates of the KSS Higher General Surgical Training Programme to update us on their ongoing and influential work!

Senior Registrar in Colorectal Surgery
RCS(Eng) Council Member
Worshipful Company of Barbers Liaison to the KSS Surgical Symposium
Miss Pegna is an ST8 colorectal surgery registrar, in the KSS deanery. She has a Biology BSc from UCL and MSc in Neuroscience, then studied medicine at Imperial College London. Elected to council in 2019 Victoria quickly co-founded the SiS (sustainability in surgery) committee on RCSEng council and is currently chair (Co) and is an active environmentalist.
She has been a part of many sustainability projects including setting up the Green Surgery Challenge, and the James Lind Alliance Priority Setting Partnership for sustainability.
She served as a panel member on the Kennedy report in 2021 with the aim to improve equality and diversity within the council and throughout the surgical workforce. She continues to campaign to widen participation through my position on the WinS (women in surgery RCS) forum and EDI projects and charities.
Consultant Trauma & HPB Surgeon
Honorary Senior Lecturer
Centre for Trauma Sciences, Barts & The London School of Medicine & Dentistry
Mr Perkins is a Consultant Trauma and HPB Surgeon and Pre-Hospital Physician.
He studied medicine in Johannesburg, South Africa, where his special interest in the care of the critically injured developed. Since then, he has worked in busy trauma systems both in South Africa and England and has qualifications in Surgery, Anaesthesia and Pre-Hospital Care. Together with trauma surgery, his interests include pre-hospital trauma care and he is an emeritus doctor with London’s Air Ambulance.
His research interests lie firmly in the exciting field of trauma care. His PhD thesis explored how Bayesian Networks may assist surgeons and patients make informed treatment decisions following severe lower limb injuries. He is involved with the Discrete events simulation modelling of blood provision in mass casualty events project.